The project team welcomes public comments at any time during this project. All information/comments will be maintained on file for use during the study and may be included in project documentation. Information collected will be used in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA). With the exception of personal information, all comments become part of the public record. Should you require further information regarding this project, or wish to submit comments or questions click here. If you have any accessibility requirements in order to participate in this project, please contact one of the Project Team Members.
Study Commencement Members of the public, Indigenous Communities, municipalities and emergency services, government agencies, interest groups and other relevant stakeholders were notified through a ‘Notice of Study Commencement’ published in the Perth Courier on July 9, 2020. The ‘Notice of Study Commencement’ can be found here.
TESR Addendum A TESR Addendum has been prepared to document the changes to the 2009 Recommended Plan. Interested persons are encouraged to review this document and provides comments.
The TESR Addendum is available for a 30-day comment from November 28, 2024 to January 10, 2025.
A Notice of TESR Addendum was published online in the Perth Courier on the newspaper on November 28, 2024.
Public Information Centre A Public Information Centre (PIC) will be held to present the study process, recommended plan, existing conditions and to receive input on the proposed improvements within the study area. The PIC will be an informal drop-in centre where representatives from the project team will be available to answer questions and discuss the project.
At that time, a ‘Notice of Public Information Centre’ letter will be published in the Perth Courier, posted on the project website and sent to the project mailing list to indicate the date, time and location of the PIC and where the materials are available for viewing. The PIC materials will be available for review on this project website.
Design and Construction Report At the completion of the Detail Design, a Design and Construction Report (DCR) will be prepared detailing the existing biophysical and socio-economic environment, summary of design features, potential impacts of the undertakings, and required mitigation measures.
At that time, a ‘Notice of DCR Completion’ letter will be published in the Perth Courier, posted on the project website and sent to the project mailing list containing the dates for the comment period. There is no opportunity for bump-up and provided that there are no significant concerns during the review then the project may commence without further notice. The DCR will be placed on file with the MTO for public review once complete.